Arthur Vincie

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"Just staying organized, which I think is the biggest challenge when you’re in pre-production is that at some point you are gonna start losing your shit and how do you sort of keep everything together enough to get through the shoot and not skimp on anything that will kill you later.”

Welcome back to Nothing Shines like Dirt episode 32. Elise & Lesley sit done with Writer/Director/Line Producer Arthur Vincie. They discuss Arthur's book Preparing for Take Off; Preproduction for the Independent Filmmaker,  his new web series "Three Trembling Cities", and what is a Line Producer?




From Arthur:

I'm a writer, director, and line producer.  My latest project, "Three Trembling Cities," is a fiction webseries about the inner lives and daily struggles of two circles of NYC immigrants.  It's available now online.  My last feature, "Found In Time," went to 26 festivals, picked up a number of awards, and is available on Amazon and other VOD platforms.  I also wrote "Preparing For Takeoff" (Focal Press), a book on preproduction.